The Android version of OnSong is one major step closer to completion with the addition of OnSong Connect. The older versions of OnSong had OnCue only, which used an old Apple technology to link OnSong user devices together with Bluetooth, however this was completely incompatible with Android. OnCue was also unstable and dropped out in a crowded room, which is basically anywhere bands play. Now with the
releases of OnSong 1.98 (fixes and new features) and
1.981(fixes the fixes) we've developed an API that allows devices running OnSong to connect to each other using WiFi instead. One device works as a server (master) and the other devices running OnSong Connect can be controlled by the original. The newer technology not only creates faster, more stable connections between you and your band, but allows access from multiple platforms. That means that OnSong Connect enables iOS devices to talk to Android, Windows, Mac, and more. This is a major step in the continued development of the Android version of OnSong in the near future.
OnSong for Android has been a priority for us for a long time, but the truth is, we are a small startup, and with that come challenges. When our lead Android contractor fell through recently we were forced to take Android development in-house. Next, the release of iOS 7 created major instability in older devices and our programmers were forced to deal with bugs instead of developing the Android version of OnSong. These aren't meant to be excuses, but just keeping you all updated on the challenges we face as we press on to deliver you the best software possible. The good news is that
OnSong v1.981 seems stable, OnSong Connect is running, and we can concentrate all our energy on getting the Android version up and running as soon as possible. We also want to let you know that the OnSong 2.0 and Android versions will have a very similar look and feel, with a faster, more intuitive user interface. While our developers are crunching on Android the rest of us will continue to provide awesome (and FREE!)
new video tutorials, and new updated
OnSong website with upgraded