Tuesday, August 5, 2014

OnSong Console

OnSong Console is a powerful new addition to OnSong that let's you create, import, edit and style your music to look just the way you want. it runs inside of a web browser, giving you access to your device's OnSong library, but with the full content creation capabilities of your Mac or PC. Real-time preview as you type shows you just how it will look.

OnSong Console will be available in OnSong 1.989 as an in-app purchase of $9.99.


  • Browse and search your OnSong library from a computer.
  • Create new OnSong or ChordPro formatted files.
  • Import multiple files from your computer all at once.
  • Convert files into text for further editing.
  • Real-time preview of the chord chart as you type.
  • Powerful palettes that help you create and style your chord chart.
    • Metadata: Type in the details of the song like title or key.
    • Insert: Place chord, sections and line formatting into your text.
    • Text Tools: Search and replace, toggle between chord styles and fix alignment spaces.
    • Style: Change the font, linespacing and chord highlighting or colors.
    • Chords: Transpose, capo and chord diagrams. Choose your chord style too.

Other features include:

  • Low Light Mode: Shows you how the chord chart will appear on a dark page.
  • Pages: Splits the chord chart to simulate printing on paper.
  • Follow: Have the Console switch songs and scroll along with the device.
  • Download: Download the chord chart in supported formats like PDF or ChordPro.
  • Print: Print out your chord charts from your computer.


  1. This is EXACTLY what I've needed for my OnSong library for years now. This is going to be awesome and a definite day one purchase for me! Does this mean the entire library will be saved to a central location instead of the device? (It must...?) What are the collaborative options with this new system? I'd love to have a shared library for a group of OnSong users so we can each share the changes we've made to music while keeping our own libraries just the way we like them. In our church, we rotate worship leading duties among several leaders, so you can imagine that keys, renditions and even lyrics can sometimes change between leaders & teams, though everything is ultimately CCLI-sourced and licensed.

  2. Thanks! Console connects directly to your OnSong device and allows you to make changes to that device only. However, we are taking this same technology and will be moving towards a solution like what you are suggesting. We needed to lay the groundwork for renderer and web-based interface but hope to take it much further soon!

  3. So any idea on the release date for console want to get my hands on asap looks promising

  4. Console looks uber-cool.
    Judging by the current release notes for 1.989 you guys have been super-busy.

    Really, really looking forward to taking Console for a spin, hopefully soon!

  5. Finally, this is the one thing I wanted more than anything with Onsong. Now if you would only give us an idea of when to expect it...?

  6. Wow! Thanks everyone. It's really encouraging to us. We have submitted this to Apple about a week ago and are expecting approval any day now, barring any issues. Hang in there!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Onsong is crashing on startup. What gives?

  9. So i am connected to the same wifi but my Console isn't connecting. Am i missing something?

  10. Having the same problem as Zachary. I type in the web address - server not found.

  11. Also having the console problem. Website won't load on my laptop. Says the website in unavailable. Any suggestions?

  12. I'm having the same problem, I type in the address and it just sits there for a while, then finally says can't open page, server is not responding. I've tried it on three different networks now.

  13. I've found that the address (like can change if your modem/router has been turned off and on again. Check the web address from the 'Console' link in the 'Utilities' (top right - gear icon)

  14. Still having problems connecting. "This webpage is not available." Anyone figure this out yet?

  15. Just purchased console, tried to go to website and nothing. Website doesn't load.

    Why is no one from OnSong commenting about all of these issues???

  16. Server not found issues: I don't know if this helps anyone. I was able to load the console at work, but then not at home. Turns out my IP config at home is a bit different. (192.168.0... instead of 192.168.1...) The trick for me that worked was to close OnSong (Kill the app) and reopen. It picks up the updated IP.)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I purchased and love it for editing and downloading songs. However, I can't seem to edit set lists in Console. Am I missing something or is this option not available in Console?

  19. I know OnSong on my iPad is connecting to my OnSong Console on my MacBook Pro because the name of the song that is showing in OnSong shows up as the title next to OnSong in Console. However, the Song Title section just spins with those three bars bouncing up and down. How do I get the songs to show up in the list so I can edit them? Somethings wrong here......

  20. Has Console been updated/enhanced at all since it came out in Aug 2014??

  21. Console always worked, not it does not anymore. nothing has been changed, same browser,same adress, same ipad, same version of onsong. same network, what could possibly have happened????? MADNESS here, work needs to be done!

  22. I just bought and installed Onsong Console and IT DOES NOT WORK. It crashes (quits unexpectedly) EVERY time I click it.

    Is this being fixed or can I get my 10 bucks back?!?!?!?!?!?!?

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